Crazy Tiger Tribe

Sold Out

About Crazy Tiger Tribe

3000 unique Crazy Tigers on the Cardano blockchain. Membership to CTT and all of the benefits come from holding a CTT NFT. Let's build CTT together!
1. Royalty Revenue Sharing
40% of the royalties will be distributed to the holders. If the amount of royalties is not enough we will buy valuable nfts for lottery.
2. CNFT Whitelist
We will collab with upcoming popular projects, choose which project will be voted by holders, we will strive for the more whitelists of the project.
3. CNFT Airdrops
We want to bring more artists onto cardano. We will look for creative nft artists around the world to airdrop nfts for holders.

Technical Details

  • Blockchain
  • Policy ID
  • Mint Day
    12 June 2022 - 12:00 PM UTC
  • Contact Email
  • Price
    45 ADA
  • Total Assets
  • Litepaper
  • Whitepaper

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