Diamond DegenZ

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About Diamond DegenZ

The original focus of the Diamond DegenZ project was simply to make an NFT that captures the things that our team was passionate about, Fashion & Crytpo, and the aim to build a community of like-minded individuals.

As our community started to grow and we started to listen to our DegenZ and their projections for the project we realised there are many long-term possibilities to make this a sustainable project. A few of us were already into various NFTs of all types from historical NFTs to ones with pure art elements and profile pictures so when we looked at where we felt most rewarded by having an NFT ourselves, and how we could translate it to our projects community, there was a recurring theme of utility being an appealing prospect.

The utility factor is a very broad term that feels overused at this time, and can mean many different things to many people, therefore, we feel it is key to break things apart into different levels of achievability catered to what Diamond Degenz may be capable of. Saying something like "We will create a DAO after launch" would be disingenuous and provides "hopium strategy" which is what many NFT projects try to forecast to create demand for their NFTs. If we ever considered a DAO, Token drop or anything related to rewarding holders, it will be solely based on the community response aligned with the success of Diamond Degenz initial launch.

That being said, we do feel that a more realistic shorter term way to move forward would be NFT airdrops to holders that meet the set criteria (TBA) and can use snapshot features or something like creating a token using royalties and distribute it back to holders as a start. But once again, this can only be considered based on the success of our initial drop.

Technical Details

  • Blockchain
  • Policy ID
  • Mint Day
    22 April 2022 - 07:00 PM UTC
  • Contact Email
  • Price
    50 ADA
  • Total Assets
  • Litepaper
  • Whitepaper

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