Goofy Gophers Mining Club

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About Goofy Gophers Mining Club

Goofy Gophers Mining Club (GGMC) is an exclusive community centered around a shared passion for cryptocurrency and passive income. We are the first ever NFT project (on any chain) that will mine multiple coins using different types of ASIC miners - we know the importance of diversification for true project longevity.

A portion of mined rewards will go to a community investment DAO (cross-chain), looking for quality projects across the cryptocurrency space and beyond. Holders can gain access to potential rewards from both the mining activity and DAO by burrowing their gopher. Delve deeper into this whitepaper to learn about our best-in-class gamification of rewards, and how GGMC will pioneer the space forward with our startup incubator program

Technical Details

  • Blockchain
  • Policy ID
  • Mint Day
    30 September 2022 - 12:00 PM UTC
  • Contact Email
  • Price
    119 ADA
  • Total Assets
  • Litepaper
  • Whitepaper

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