Sticks Society

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About Sticks Society

Sticks Society is a collection of (TBA) unique stick character nfts on the cardano blockchain. Our goal is to be able to offer nft customization by the end of the year.

Together, let us create a brand that is community focused.

We see this project as an opportunity to help bring people across the world together to lend a helping hand to those in need. A portion of the profits will go to a charitable foundation based on what the community decides. We cannot express how excited we are about this.

Through our vision-mission, "Team Sticks Together" our mission is to build a community to share the same vision of helping those in need.

Technical Details

  • Blockchain
  • Policy ID
  • Mint Day
    28 April 2022 - 04:00 PM UTC
  • Contact Email
  • Price
    45 ADA
  • Total Assets
  • Litepaper
  • Whitepaper

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