Super Deformed

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About Super Deformed

Super Deformed is a collection of 4000 non-auto generated NFTs on the Cardano blockchain. Each NFT is unique and hand-drawn. Super deformed or SD is a specific style of Japanese caricature where characters are drawn in an exaggerated way, typically small and chubby, with stubby limbs and oversized heads, to make them resemble small children.

The style is closely related to the chibi concept. All of our art is a reflection of Japanese pop culture icons. Our goal is to create a project with longevity and value; a perfect mix of art and utility.

You will be able to mint using a Nami, Yoroi, Daedalus, Eternl, or Flint wallet. DO NOT send from an exchange. Details will be provided in discord closer to mint day.

Technical Details

  • Blockchain
  • Policy ID
  • Mint Day
    23 July 2022 - 06:00 PM UTC
  • Contact Email
  • Price
    50 ADA
  • Total Assets
  • Litepaper
  • Whitepaper

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