Yoga NFT

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About Yoga NFT

We all know the lofty benefits of doing yoga and exercising, there's no need to tell a word to describe the same right?
Whether you're someone who does have passion for exercising or you feel lazy about doing yoga/exercise, Yoga NFT is here to change the game forever!
With Yoga NFT, you get paid for exercising. Yes you read it right, you can now Earn while walking, running, cycling and burning calories.
Not only you earn daily yog tokens for exercising, but a percentage of all earning goes as donations for the treatment of Cancer patients.

Yoga NFT highlights:
•Revelutionary and first of its kind project, managed by a team of highly experienced individuals who have lots of experience of starting and scaling businesses. This means success is guaranteed!
•$YOG Token Earn daily while walking, running, cycling and burning calories.
•10% to Community & Charity Donations to NGO Working for Cancer patients.
• Exclusive Access to Yoga/Adventure Retreats
• Holders Win ETH, NFTs, Vacations, Merch.
• Lots more..

•Lifetime access for Online Yoga & Nutrition session, taken by some of the world's highly reknouned fitness experts and yoga trainers.
•Web3 app to monitor workout & Calorie Burn and Earn Token on weekly basis.
•In phase 2, Yoga Ashrams will be setup in Rishikesh India & NFT holders can exclusively come & stay there with there family.
•E-commerce brand will be launched in 2 phases having merchandise related to fitness & yoga.

Technical Details

  • Blockchain
  • Policy ID
  • Mint Day
    10 July 2022 - 06:00 AM UTC
  • Contact Email
  • Price
    1 ADA
  • Total Assets
  • Litepaper
  • Whitepaper

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